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Download this ArgoPrep worksheet today and second-grade students can practice working with word problems with two steps. Students will work on problems that require them to complete two steps, such as adding two amounts and then subtracting some that are different, in order to find the answers. This worksheet will not only help students grow their skills with completing word problems, it will also challenge them to go a step further to find the answer to the questions.
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Two-step word problems for second-grade students are what this worksheet by ArgoPrep is all about. Students have been working on thinking carefully about what word problems are asking for them to do, what the important information they need to use is, and learning about the steps they need to take to solve the problems. This worksheet will take them a step further by having students complete two steps to solve the problems. Students will be challenged to consider carefully how to solve the problems since there are two steps involved in order to find the correct answer. For instance, students might have to add two amounts together and then use the total and subtract a number to find the final answer. Students will need to complete both steps in order to find the correct answer. This worksheet will help second-graders continue to practice the strategies and steps they need to use to find the solutions to word problems.