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These multiplying by 3 worksheets grade 3 are excellent for getting third-grade students up to speed with multiplication. Multiplying by threes is the same as three groups of the other factor. So if the numbers are three times four, there are three groups of four, or four plus four plus four, which is twelve. The worksheet below will help third-grade students practice multiplying by threes and grow their skills with multiplying!
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These multiplying by 3 worksheets grade 3 will have students multiplying by threes in no time! Third graders have previously learned that multiplying is like repeated addition or, in this case, a certain number of groups of three that we are looking at. For instance, two times three is the same thing as two groups of three or three plus three. Four times three is the same as four groups of three or three plus three plus three plus three. Once students begin to see the mathematical patterns in multiplication, by slowly increasing the number sizes, they will understand better how to apply the math facts they have already learned. Students have practiced skip counting by three and the multiplication facts coincide with those numbers. Three times two is six. Counting by threes is three, six, nine. Three times three is nine, which is the same as the third step in skip counting by threes. This ArgoPrep worksheet will help third-grade students practice multiplying by three.