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These multiplying by 5 worksheets grade 3 are excellent for students learning the multiplication facts! These foundational worksheets help students to see the patterns in the numbers so they can successfully learn the multiplication facts quickly and accurately. Download the ArgoPrep worksheet below to have third-grade students work on multiplying by fives with this excellent practice or review opportunity.
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These multiplying by 5 worksheets grade 3 will give third-grade students the skills they need to multiply by fives. Download this ArgoPrep worksheet and students will be able to focus on practicing multiplying by five. Skip counting by fives in the past set them up for success with these facts, and students should already be familiar with the answers. In addition, students will quickly see that multiplication problems with five will always end in a five or zero. For instance, 5X0=0, 5X1=5, 5X2=10, 5X3=15, etc. The answers alternate between zero and five in the last digit as they grow larger. This worksheet will help students quickly learn to multiply by fives learn the patterns used so they can increase their speed with these multiplication facts. This free worksheet is teacher-created and ready for use by third graders today! Download this worksheet to have third-graders practice multiplying by five!