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These multiplying by 8 worksheets grade 3 will have third-grade students learning even more about multiplication! The numbers keep getting larger, but the processes are still the same. Students are learning so much as they practice working on multiplication facts and this worksheet is excellent for practice, review, or assessment. Download the worksheet below by ArgoPrep to have students show how much they have learned about multiplication.
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These multiplying by 8 worksheets grade 3 will have students working on problems with eight as one of the factors. Since the other factor in the problem will likely be one they have worked with previously, like 1s, 2s and 3s, students will already be familiar with these problems if they keep in mind that 8X2 is the same problem as 2X8 since the numbers can be switched and they still both equal sixteen. Students can use all of the tools they have learned thus far with multiplication to solve these problems, such as using repeated addition, skip counting, switching the numbers to a familiar problem (i.e. solving for 2X8 instead of 8X2), arrays, and so on. This worksheet will help third graders increase their ability to solve multiplication problems and continue helping them to grow their skills in this area. Download this free ArgoPrep worksheet and third-grade students can work on multiplying by eight!