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Adding doubles plus 1 will allow first-grade students to continue practicing their skill with adding doubles, however, this time they will be adding doubles plus 1. These problems are just like adding doubles, but they are something like 5+6 or 8+9. Students will use their knowledge of what 5+5 is to add essentially 5+5+1 to complete the work. These free worksheets from ArgoPrep, that were created by teachers, will have students quickly mastering this skill of adding doubles plus one.
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This addition strategy is called doubles plus one. These worksheets are great for students to practice their skills with adding doubles plus one. Grade one students will get to practice this great strategy for addition with the students' already learned knowledge of doubles and just adding on one. Knowing their doubles is just the beginning and students will soon learn that adding on one is simply one additional step. Since they already know 2 doubled is four, adding one to that makes a quick way to solve for 2+3 because it is the same as 2+2+1=5. Or 5 doubled is 10, plus one more is 11. These worksheets will help students to practice this strategy and to demonstrate their understanding of it. This addition strategy will help students to become that much faster with their addition problems as they learn more about the relationships between the numbers they are adding. This free downloadable worksheet from ArgoPrep is a great way for students to practice using doubles plus one.