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This worksheet by ArgoPrep is all about time. Students will practice and review telling time to the hour with this teacher-created worksheet. Grade-one students will only need to remember that the hour hand is the shorter hand as the minute hand will be at the o'clock position each time. This worksheet is an excellent choice for review, practice, or assessment before moving on to more challenging worksheets.
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This ArgoPrep worksheet has grade-one students working on telling time to the hour! First graders will have the chance to review telling time and show just how much they remember from previous lessons. This worksheet reviews telling time to the hour and gives students the opportunity to practice with the hour hand changing and the minute hand in the same place each time. This worksheet will help grade-one students review telling time to the hour and prepare them for lessons that will have them telling time to the half-hour. This teacher-created worksheet helps students to learn how to tell time incrementally without requiring them to move on too quickly to more challenging lessons. Download this worksheet today and grade-one students can get right to work practicing their skills with telling time to the hour. What time is it? Now students won't have to ask this question, but will be able to read the time themselves!