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This ArgoPrep worksheet will really challenge grade-one students as it is a mixture of both addition and subtraction problems. Students will need to pay close attention to the symbol on the problem in order to ensure they are working out the problems correctly. Grade-one students will be able to show their talent with both addition and subtraction problems in this worksheet that is available for free and quick download.
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This ArgoPrep worksheet is a mixture of both addition and subtraction problems for grade-one students. This worksheet might be a bit tricky for students who aren't paying attention, however, it will be excellent practice for grade-one students! For those students who take their time, this worksheet is a great way to practice and review addition and subtraction in a way that is more realistic because students don't usually encounter only addition or only subtraction problems in normal life, but rather will encounter a variety of problems to work out. This worksheet will challenge first-grade students and ensure that they are being careful in their work habits. This ArgoPrep worksheet is excellent for review, practice, or assessment! Download this free teacher-created worksheet, which is full of various addition and subtraction problems, today and students can get started working right away!