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First-grade students will compare numbers with this worksheet by ArgoPrep. This worksheet has students deciding between greater-than, less-than, or equal to for problems with two-digit numbers. This will challenge students' place value understanding because there are tricky numbers like 91__19 which at first glance look almost the same. But using what they know about place value will help them determine the larger number of the two. Download this worksheet to get started today!
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This worksheet is the greatest! First-grade students will appreciate this opportunity to test their skills with place value by determining between greater-than, less-than and equal for two two-digit numbers. Though they might already be well-prepared for this lesson, there are a few trickier problems like 19__9 and 91__19, which look very similar and students will need to use their place value knowledge to determine the winner. Students will get to practice using the correct symbol for each problem, whether it is <, >, or =. Download this free worksheet by ArgoPrep today and first-grade students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the values of numbers and determine greater-than, less-than, or equal for each of the numbers. This worksheet was created by teachers, follows the standards, and is an excellent choice for helping students build a solid foundation for mathematics in the future.